Some time ago there were rumors floating around that Wonder Woman would somehow be a descent of the Kryptonians in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Needless to say, it caused a lot of heated debates and speculation. Well, it looks like that isn't the case and they're pulling from Wonder Woman's New 52 origin. Speaking with The Hollywood Masters, producer Charles Roven confirms Diana's a demigod and the daughter of Zeus.
As for Batfleck, Roven says they wanted the Dark Knight to be "tougher" and "rugged" so it offers a strong contrast between an older Batman and a younger Superman. Additionally, Affleck's stature was appealing to them. "We wanted Batman to, you know, tower over Superman. Not hugely, not like a basketball player, not like a 7-foot player. But where Superman needed to look up to Batman. We wanted that dynamic. And Ben could do that, easily. He was the first guy we went to.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is directed by Zack Snyder and scheduled to release May 6, 2016.
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